Background: Lupin the Third started as a manga in 1967, written by Kazuhiko Kato under the pen name Monkey Punch. There have been 31 manga (in two series), three anime series, five movies, and 22 TV specials. He was named after the french novelist Maurice Leblanc fictional gentlemen thief Arsène Lupin. Due to Japan not enforcing copyright laws in the 60's, Kazuhiko Kato was able to use the name. Since other countries did enforce copyright laws, the name had to be changed once it became popular. Since the copyright on Maurice Leblanc estate has ran out, the name in now allowed to be used outside of Japan.
Packaging: Revoltech always had large boxes, and this is no exception. There is only one small picture, on the back of the box, that isn't of the figure. So you get a lot of poses and an idea of how well this figure is made. As you can see, there is a #097 on the front of the box. This is the 97th figure in the Revoltech Yamaguchi line.
Accessories: Where do I begin! There are five sets of hands, three heads, five bullet blast, one hand attached to a grappling hook, a chair, a side table, a safe that doubles as a box, two stands and a glass. This has always been one of the better points of any revoltech figure. I do wish the glass was attached to one of the hands. It is very small and could get lost pretty fast. This is where the storage box comes in handy. Revoltech started to come with small orange boxes to store all the small parts in. They painted Lupin's silver and made it look like a safe, to fit with the burglar theme.
Articulation: The articulation is pretty good, again, like most revoltechs, but they kinda cheated a bit. The shoulder is in two parts. One is a joint, but the other is just a peg. The arms tend to fall off a lot if your not careful. The legs are like this as well. The top of the leg has a joint, but the knee is just a peg. Other then that, all the other joints are revoltech joints, you can move them, and they click into place.
Paint: The paint is great on this figure! They got a lot of the small details right, the face, the hands, the jacket even the belt. I don't really have anything negative to say about it.
In all, this is a great figure. It super articulated, comes with all the accessories you would need and even a box for the small parts.You should be able to find this pretty easy online. You can get it from Amazon for about 35 dollars. Well worth it to me.